
Report Meet

Single User

This command will show the sessions started by the user but does not show who they were calling.

gam report meet user <User Email Address> todrive

gam report meet select <User Email Address> todrive

Single User - Specific Fields

gam config csv_output_header_filter "name identifier,id.time,calendar_event_id,meeting_code conference_id,livestream_view_page_id" report meet user <User Email Address> todrive

Single User - Date Range

As a minimum you need to add a start date. You can also add end yyyy-mm-dd to search within a range. Use todays date to search current days Meet sesisons.

gam report meet user <User Email Address> start yyyy-mm-dd todrive

All Users

These commands produce the same results and show both incoming & outgoing sessions for all users. So some filtering may be needed to report on a specific user.

gam redirect csv ./<CSV File Name>.csv report meet

gam report meet todrive

gam report meet user all todrive

All Users - Specific Fields

gam config csv_output_header_filter "name identifier,id.time,calendar_event_id,meeting_code conference_id,livestream_view_page_id" report meet todrive

All Users - Date Range

If not specified, the date range will be the max range, which I believe is 180 days.

For yesterday. Change the -1d -0d to suite your range.

gam report meet range -1d -0d todrive

Report Meet Filter

Use this to find all the data (incoming & outgoing) for a single Meet session from a User Report

By Meeting Code

The meeting_code is the 9 digit code that forms the URL, but without the hyphens

gam report meet filter "meeting_code==<meeting_code>" todrive

By Conference_id

gam report meet todrive filter "conference_id==<conference_id>"

Gmail | Print Messages

Find Attendance Emails

If another users is registered as the Meeting host, the Attendance, Poll etc emails will be sent to them. To track down these emails you can search Gmail for emails with the MeetingID and Date in the subject line. The Date must be in the format of, for example, 15-Oct-2021.

gam all users print messages query "subject:<MeetingID> <Date>" includespamtrash todrive

Find All the Users in a Session

This sheet shows the Google Sheet functions needed to extract the data to show the users in each session.

So by running the command for All Users and getting the results for a particular user, you can show the users in the sessions for that user.

Many thanks to Adam from the Google Docs Editors Help Community for helping solve this.