

All devices

gam print mobile

Print Query

Email Starting with

gam print mobile query "email:<Starting Text>*"

The above command will print all the fields. To limit the fields returned, specify them after the fields option. The todrive option will create a Google Sheet of the data.

gam print mobile query "email:<Starting Text>*" fields name,email,lastsync,os todrive

Or add more fields

gam print mobile query "email:<Starting Text>*" fields email,lastsync fields resourceId,deviceId,serialNumber,name,email,status,lastSync,managedAccountIsOnOwnerProfile,manufacturer,meid,model,networkOperator,os,privilege,releaseVersion,securityPatchLevel,supportsWorkProfile,type,unknownSourcesStatus,userAgent,wifiMacAddress todrive


gam print mobile query "os:<OS version>"


gam print mobile query "model:<Model Type>"