


To change the settings of gam.cfg use the format below. Variable Names can be obtained here Don't forget the save option. Run without the save option to check for errors.

gam config <VariableName> <NewSetting> save


gam config verify


Set the todrive_upload_nodata options to false to prevent blank files being uploaded.

gam config todrive_upload_nodata false save


In Advanced GAM, run this command and GAM will translate GMT to your local time zone in both directions. But, I think, based on the server time.

gam config timezone local save

So if you are running GAM, online, such as in Cloud Shell or Compute Engine you need to change this, for example if you local time is GMT+8, then

gam config timezone +08:00 save


Enable/disable sending an email when todrive is specified. Default is true, so specify false to stop all emails.


Turn on timestamps for Google Sheet files. Select as needed.

gam config todrive_timestamp [true or false] save

todrive_parent id

The folder to save all the report files in. This can be another users Drive.

gam config todrive_parent id:<Folder ID> save


The user that will receive the CSV files etc when the todrive option is used.

gam config todrive_user <Another User Email> save


Hide the messages/notifications while a command is running, such as "Getting Owners for ..."

gam config show_gettings false save


Change true or false as needed. If no_update_check = true then there will be no automatic check.

gam config no_update_check [true | false] save


ZSH Error

If you see an error message zsh: no such user or named directory: <ColumnName> you may need to surround the variables in single (') or double (") quotes.

Embed CSV Value

When you want to embed a CSV value in an argument use an extra "~", e.g. ~~ColumnName~~

gam csv email.csv gam user ~email sendemail subject "New email group" message "You have been added to the school email group ~~group~~"

Wrapping Lines

Some fields may have text fields that are translated incorrectly when converting the output to a TXT file. The option csv_output_convert_cr_nl [true|false] may be needed to correct this. For example, the description may containg formatting (cr and/ or nl) that will cause additional lines in the TXT file.

This command will output the fields in a fomat (where needed) so that if they contain line breaks etc the field is surrounded by ".

gam config csv_output_convert_cr_nl true csv_output_row_filter "OwnersCount:count=0" redirect csv ./owner_less_groups.csv print groups fields name,description ownerscount

Google Sheet

Commands can be run against Google Sheets, instead of CSV, for example;-

gam csv gsheet <User Email Address> <File ID> <Sheet Name> gam user ~user print delegates


The loop option will run through the CSV processing one row at a time. For example;-

gam loop gsheet <Owner Email address> <File ID> '<Sheet Name>' gam delete org ~orgUnitPath

gam loop email.csv gam user ~email sendemail subject "New email group" message "You have been added to the school email group ~~group~~"

Alternatively you can use config num_threads 1 to acheive the same effect.

gam config num_threads 1 csv gsheet <Owner Email address> <File ID> '<Sheet Name>' gam delete org ~orgUnitPath


Add config debug_level 1 after the first gam in a command to record the error info. For example

gam config debug_level 1 csv gsheet <Sheet Owner Email> <File ID> <Sheet ID> gam update group ~email whoCanViewGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW


stdout or stderr

Save output or errors of a command

gam redirect [stdout | stderr] ./<File Name (TXT or CSV)> <Rest of the GAM Command>

Example 1

Create CSV of the files and folders copied with this command. Using ./ before the file name will create the file in the current folder.

gam redirect stdout ./<File Name>.csv user <User Email Address> copy drivefile <Drive Folder ID> recursive mergewithparent depth -1 teamdriveparentid <Shared Drive Folder ID> copyfilepermissions false excludetrashed

Example 2

Using a CSV of file IDs (filelist.csv) set wll these files to Anyone With the link Can View.

gam redirect stdout SetAOWLV.log redirect stderr stdout user <Owner Email Address> add drivefileacl csvfile filelist.csv:id anyone role reader withlink nodetails


Search query terms and operators


Assumes that the owner is me, the user the command is run against.


Need to specify who the owner is.

'<Email Address>' in owners

Redirect CSV


gam redirect csv - todrive tdfileid <File ID> tdretaintitle tdtimestamp false tdsheet id:<Accounts Tab ID> tdupdatesheet <Rest of GAM Command>

Multiprocess todrive

gam redirect csv - multiprocess todrive tdfileid <File ID> tdretaintitle tdtimestamp false tdsheet id:<Properties Tab ID> tdupdatesheet csv gsheet <File Owner Email> <File ID> id:<Accounts Tab ID> gam <Rest of GAM Command>


From the Wiki

When matching, Gam uses the match function which always looks for a match at the beginning of a string.

Test your regex expression.



This basic command will send a blank email to the user from the GAM user account.

gam sendemail to <User Email Address>

To, Subject

Include subject text.

gam sendemail to <User Email Address> subject "<Email Subject>"

To, Subject, Message

Send a message with a Subject and Message.

gam sendemail to <User Email Address> subject "<Email Subject>" message "<Message Text>"

To, Subject, Message, Attach

gam sendemail to <User Email Address> subject "<Email Subject>" message "<Message Text>" attach <File Name>

To, Subject, Message, From

Send a message with a Subject and Message.

gam sendemail to <User Email Address> subject "<Email Subject>" message "<Message Text>" from <Sender Email Address>

Add to GAM Command

The sendemail command can be combined with other GAM commands to notify when the GAM command has finished. If running in on Linux you can use the && option to join two GAM commands together. The sendemail command will only run after the first command has finished. For example;-

gam user <User Email Address> show contacts && gam sendemail to <To Email Address> from <From Email Address> subject "GAM Command Finished" message "View the Contacts now"


The todrive option allows the output of the GAM command to be saved to Google Drive. 

Some options are;-

gam <Add your GAM command here> print todrive tdfileid <File ID> tdtitle "<File Name>" tdtimeformat %Y-%m-%d

Printing Files

I use the todrive option to create Google Sheet of the CSV info, in the Google Drive of my account. You can replace this > file_name.csv if you are running GAM locally.

File Title - (tdtitle)

This will create a file with the name Your File Name - 2019-03-06T10:31:44+08:00

gam print printers todrive tdtitle "<Your File Name>"

Remove the date & time - (tdtimestamp)

In the config.cfg file you can specifiy the timestamp globally. By default it will be added to the file name, so to remove for a file use this command.

gam print printers todrive tdtitle "<Your File Name>" tdtimestamp false

Update an Existing Google Sheet - (tdfileid)

gam print printers todrive tdfileid <file id>

Add Tab (Sheet)

Curently the timestamp on the new tab (sheet) will be the same as the Google Sheet.

gam crosqueries status:active print cros todrive tdfileid <File ID> tdtitle "<Google Sheet Title>" tdaddsheet tdsheet "<New Sheet/Tab Title>" tdsheettimeformat "%B %Y"

Another User

To output from todrive to another users Google Drive you need to use an existing <Folder ID> in the command or create a new folder. To create a new folder, use this command.

gam user <Another User Email> add drivefile drivefilename "<New Folder Name>" mimetype gfolder

If you then need access to this file you can get the <File ID> from the output of the above command and use this. Change the role (editor) as required.

gam user <Another User Email> add drivefileacl <File ID> user <Your Email Address> role editor

Add to Shared (Team) Drive

<Shared Drive User> must have at least writer permission of the Shared Drive folder

gam <Full GAM Comand> todrive tduser <Shared Drive User> tdparent id:<Shared Drive Folder ID>


The <role> is either commenter|reader|writer

gam crosqueries "status:active" print cros todrive tdshare <User Email Address><role>


Create the file in a specific folder. The option id:<Folder ID> can be replaced with the folder name.

tdparent id:<Folder ID>

tduser & tdparent

The tduser option requires the tdparent option to be stated at the same time.

gam crosqueries "status:active" print cros todrive tdtitle "<File Name>" tduser <Another User Email> tdparent id:<Folder ID>

Update Existing File

Add to the end of the GAM command.

... todrive tdfileid <Existing File ID> tdsheet id:<Existing Tab ID> tdupdatesheet tdtitle "<File Title>" tdtimeformat %Y-%m-%d tdclearfilter true