Outdoors Club

Outdoors Club Trip

We will be going on our second trip of the year to Climb Nulu. The trip will be after school on Friday, December 14th from 3-5 pm. We will take the activity bus from school to the climbing gym and students will need to be picked up from Nulu afterwards. I have the permission slip, Nulu waiver, and JCPS waiver outside my door for students to grab. All 3 forms are to required for your student to go on the trip. The cost of the trip is $10 and a optional $5 for climbing shoes at the gym. If you have any questions please just send me an email at kelsey.blandford@jefferson.kyschools.us or message me on Remind.


Ski Club

We have partnered with Paoli Peaks to give students and families a chance to ski/snowboard for a discounted price. The membership includes 6 trips to Paoli, 2 sessions with an instructor, and board or ski rentals. We are planning to go on Sundays this year starting in January. If you have any questions please email me or have your student see me at school. There are information sheets outside my door that students can grab as well.
