Noe Activity Calendar

Achievers Calendar

Achievers' Calendar


Team News

We are collecting Box Tops for a homeroom competition! The homeroom that brings in the most Box Tops by the end of the 3rd grading period will earn 20 champs bucks. Please send them in a baggie with your students name, team, and the count on the front of the baggie.

Volunteers needed for the Noe Middle Library

To volunteer, use the link below.

Noe Middle Library: Placing Library Stickers in Student Agendas

At the beginning of each year, we gather each student's agenda and place three sticker labels inside - library barcode, library resource access, and technology access labels. These labels help our students access all the school library has to offer. This is a huge task, even broken down across many days. Volunteers are very much needed, a great help, and would free up library staff to take care of the many other beginning of the year tasks that come our way. Thank you for your help!!!

Student Survey- All students will need to complete by the end of the second week of school. It will be a participation grade in language arts. This is due August 31.