

*Positive rewards will be given periodically to those students who are following all rules and directives of the teachers. Students will receive CHAMPS bucks worth $1 or $5 for various reasons throughout each class. These reasons include being on task, filling out their Agenda, being prepared, participating, etc. Students can also earn $25 for Honor Roll and $25 for Perfect Attendance each grading period. Students earn $5 each Friday they have their Agenda planner filled out correctly for the week and signed by a parent. They also earn $5 for returning signed report cards.

An incentive reward will be held every 6 weeks. Students will purchase this reward with $100 CHAMPS bucks. This reward may be a movie, time outside, etc. Students can also purchase snacks and drinks during the reward for $25 each item. Leftover bucks (up to $50) will be rolled over to the next incentive. This system encourages positive behavior, as well as responsibility in keeping up with their bucks. Students may also deposit their bucks in the “bank” with their homeroom teacher so the bucks do not get lost.

October 4-Field Time

November 20-Movie

January 18-Gym Time

March 8-Movie

April 26- Field Time