Language Proficiency 


What words do I use?

I can use memorized words.

How do I use language?

I can use memorized phrases and start to speak in frequently used complete sentences.

How accurate am I? How well can I be understood?

I can be mostly understood by sympathetic listeners, those making an effort to understand me. 

Novice Low Interpersonal Writing Chatt
Copy of Novice Mid Interpersonal Writing
Novice High Interpersonal Writing
Intermediate + Interpersonal Writing


What words do I use? 

I can use a variety of personalized words and provide details.

How do I use language?

I can use strings of sentences and original questions.

How accurate am I? How well am understood?

I can be understood! (By most people trying to understand or a sympathetic listener) 

Advanced / Grade Level

What words do I use?

I have extensive vocabulary. I can tell about current events and express various time frames. (past, present, future)

How do I use language?

I can use clear, organized paragraphs in various time frames and I can handle complications.

How accurate am I? How well am I understood?

I can be understood by anyone, not only sympathetic listeners. 

How do I make myself understood?


Body Language


Learner Self-Reflection on understanding and being understood.