


Family comes in many shapes, sizes and colors. 

I look forward to hearing about your family and you!

¿Cómo te sientes?

Me siento........ feliz / alegria

asustado / a

tener miedo

emocionado /a 


molesto / a

tener asco

1) Repaso / Review (5:30)

Let's review some emotions and learn a few new ways to talk about them!

Vamos a repasar las emociones.

2) Adivinaza / Guessing Game (2:57)

Guess the feelings / Adivina las emociones

After the video have learners model a behavior and others have to guess it in  Spanish. 

3) Las emociones y arte (1:51)

After learners listen to music and how it represents different feelings, 

Los Adjetivos (adjectives)