Spanish with 

Maestra McLean

Hola!!! I look forward to working with you on this language learning journey! 

Puerto Rico 2025

This trip is open to all Hawks as well as siblings and parents. Please email me if you have any further questions!

Nadine Jacobsen-McLean

Quiero ser tu amigo!

Spanish is my Superpower

About me

I earned a bachelor's of arts and Master's in education from the University of Louisville. Currently, I have all but completed my dissertation on parent perceptions of early language learning immersion programs to acquire a Ph.D in Learning and Leadership.  

As a lifelong learner, I look forward to the experiential education that comes along with teaching.

While studying at UofL, I had numerous opportunities to learn Spanish both in Louisville and abroad. In Spain, I explored the cosmopolitan city of Barcelona, the remote island of Ibiza and gorgeous coastal city of Alicante near Valencia on the coast. Panamá brought me close to the indigenous tribes of the rainforest and inside a bilingual school in its capital, Panama City. 

I enjoy traveling and go to Panamá often to visit family. 

I have lived in Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Tennessee. I enjoy teaching languages with a focus on increasing confidence in speaking another language. 

You will often hear/see me say “Si Se Puede!” which means, “Yes! It can be done!”