
Exploring different perspectives through language

Utilize receptive and expressive language arts to better understand self, others, and the world.


Perspectives: Seeing things in a different way that other people see!

Brainstorming Perspectives:

Different thoughts / ideas / experience

Not aware/ Doesn't know

Different emotions

Fear of the unknown


una niña


el chivo

el mono

la jirafa

el pájaro

las mariposas

el elefante

la cebra

el avestruz


el antílope

los insectos

una mamá

la gallina

un niño

el perro

la vaca

"Tengo hambre." 

"Me gusta  / Quiero __________________. la naranja, la guayaba, la banana, la piña, el mango, la maracuyá, el aguacate 

"Me gustan  ________________.  las flores , los granos,  

Nandi:  "¿Qué fruta le gustará más?" ()

El mono: "Tengo hambre. Quiero la banana." ()

El avestruz: "Tengo hambre. Quiero la guayaba." ()

La cebra: "Tengo hambre. Quiero la naranja." ()

El elefante: "Tengo hambre. Quiero el mango." ()

La jirafa: "Tengo hambre. Quiero la piña." ()

El antílope: "Tengo hambre. Quiero el aguacate." ()

El pájaro: "Tengo hambre. Quiero la maracuyá." ()

El chivo: "¡Quiero escaparme!" ()

Tindí: "Madarinas! Mi fruta favorita!" ()

El niño / La niña:  "¡Hace calor!" ()

Las mariposas: "¡Están llevando la fruta!"  ()


La gallina: "¡Corre!" ()

La mamá: Hola Nandi ()

La vaca: "Vamos a buscar comida!" ()

Success Skills-(Click here to access more information on the Success Skills and the JCPS Graduate Profile)

Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices

M3 - Unit 3:  PLANNING TOOLS    


Multidimensionality = Green (italic) = Comprehension     Purple (bold) = Analysis    MAROON (CAPS) = CONTENT

KAS Standards for Reading Foundational Skills

RF.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print to aid in comprehension.

RF.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

RF.1.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

RF.1.4: Read fluently (accuracy, speed, and prosody) on grade-level to support comprehension.

Foundational Skills K-5

KAS Standards for Reading 

Standards for Reading Literature

RL.1.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer explicit questions about KEY IDEAS AND DETAILS, and make and support logical inferences to construct meaning from the text.

RL.1.2: With prompting and support, recognize key details from a summary to demonstrate understanding of the AUTHOR'S MESSAGE, LESSON LEARNED AND/OR MORAL.

RL.1.3: Describe CHARACTERS, SETTINGS, and MAJOR EVENTS IN A STORY, using key details in order to make meaning of the story development.

RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that SUGGEST FEELINGS OR APPEAL TO THE SENSES in order to construct meaning.

RL.1.5: Recognize major differences between the STRUCTURES OF POEMS, STORIES, AND DRAMAS, including but not limited to LINEAR, NONLINEAR, AND CIRCULAR STRUCTURES.

RL.1.7: Use a story’s illustrations and details to describe its CHARACTERS, SETTING, AND EVENTS.

Standards for Reading Informational

RI.1.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer explicit questions about KEY CONCEPTS AND DETAILS, and make and support logical inferences to construct meaning from the text.

RI.1.2: With prompting and support, recognize KEY DETAILS from a summary to demonstrate understanding of the CENTRAL IDEA of a text.

RI.1.3: With prompting and support, identify the connection between INDIVIDUALS, EVENTS, IDEAS, OR PIECES OF INFORMATION over the course of a text.

RI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a GRADE-LEVEL TEXT.

RI.1.5: Know and use various TEXT FEATURES, including but not limited to HEADINGS, TABLES OF CONTENTS, GLOSSARIES, CAPTIONS, BOLD PRINT, SUBHEADINGS, INDEXES, ELECTRONIC MENUS, AND ICONS to locate key facts or information in a tex

RI.1.8: Identify the CLAIM and the REASONS an author gives to support the CLAIM in a text.

RI.1.10: With prompting and support, flexibly use a variety of comprehension strategies (i.e., questioning, monitoring, visualizing, inferencing, summarizing, using prior knowledge, determining importance) to make sense of GRADE-LEVEL APPROPRIATE, COMPLEX INFORMATIONAL TEXTS.