Soy de ... 

(Where I am From)

Vector Art Self Portrait 

I am from.../ Soy de...  Poem by KY native George Ella Lyon:

Where I'm From

I am from clothespins,

from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.

I am from the dirt under the back porch.

(Black, glistening,

it tasted like beets.)

I am from the forsythia bush

the Dutch elm

whose long-gone limbs I remember

as if they were my own.

I'm from fudge and eyeglasses,

          from Imogene and Alafair.

I'm from the know-it-alls

          and the pass-it-ons,

from Perk up! and Pipe down!

I'm from He restoreth my soul

          with a cottonball lamb

          and ten verses I can say myself.

I'm from Artemus and Billie's Branch,

fried corn and strong coffee.

From the finger my grandfather lost

          to the auger,

the eye my father shut to keep his sight.

Under my bed was a dress box

spilling old pictures,

a sift of lost faces

to drift beneath my dreams.

I am from those moments--

snapped before I budded --

leaf-fall from the family tree.


Emily Eaglin (2014) University of Maryland, Baltimore County

A comedy/documentary about race relations especially pertaining to racial micro-aggressions of those who are more than one race.


Little Cuba In Kentucky: “I think it’s cool that we have a little Cuban history in Kentucky that basically no one knows about.” 

WKU grad student Shelley Spalding who studies both history and Spanish was asked to write about the little town of Maceo, Kentucky near Owensboro.

“Maceo was named after a famous Cuban war hero during Cuban war of Independence.” 

Retrieved 11/17/2021 from

We are all unique! Soy unique