JCPS Social Studies NewsLetter

Issue #50 12.21.23

Social Studies Colleagues,

Good afternoon! I hope everyone will have a restful winter break so you may return refreshed for the new year. There are several updates since the last newsletter that will be helpful to move forward in January.

The goal was to have at least one Compelling Question student ready for every grade level and every unit so every grade would have a complete curriculum. I am happy to announce that Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade all now have "Student Ready" Compelling Questions for each unit. 4th Grade and 5th Grade are not far behind. Over time, the curriculum will expand on the "Future Inquiry" so teachers will have more choices of inquiries for each unit. 

Not every newsletter will be "War and Peace".  I thought it important to clearly communicate the continuation of the work that we began years ago while explaining how the curriculum is being made more student ready and accessible over time. The curriculum will continue to be refined based on the needs of our students, and the feedback of our teachers and JCPS community. 

If you need any support, please reach out!

Vincent Tinker

Updates: Living Democracy CURRICULUM & Instruction

Curriculum Updates:

New Professional Learning Announcements

National History Day in Kentucky

Interested in learning more about the ultimate project-based learning project, National History Day? Consider judging at the Region 3 contest, taking place at the University of Louisville (and earn 3 hours of PD credit hours)! Register to judge here:


Did you know you can use NHD resources in your classroom, even if you don’t compete in contests? For example, projects using the NHD framework could make great capstone projects for Advanced Placement courses. Check out these teacher resources:


Have questions? Email Ashley Buzzanca, National History Day in Kentucky Coordinator, at

Not So New, News

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DIrect District Support Options 2023-24

Direct district support options with the JCPS Social Studies team: