U.S. History

Civil Rights


Unit Compelling Questions

Instructions: Choose one or more Compelling Questions (CQ) for the unit based on your available time. Each Supporting Question (SQ) is sequenced and scaffolded for the Compelling Question.

Note: Starred (*) Compelling Questions are in the H.S. U.S. History example Planning & Pacing Guide.

CQ: Is it ever too late for justice? (C3 Teachers)

CQ: How did the Civil Rights Movement represent Black agency, resistance, and perseverance?

CQ: What made nonviolent protest effective during the Civil Rights Movement? (C3 Teachers)

CQ: What is good trouble? (C3 Teachers)

CQ: What gets Black Women heard? (C3 Teachers)

CQ: How did Black Identities shape a movement?

CQ: How did governmental policies change and stay the same over time during the Civil Rights Era? 

CQ: What makes Civil Rights similar and different?

CQ: How did gender equality progress and decline?

CQ: Why was the Stonewall Riot historically significant?