7th Grade: Unit 9

CQ: Did the Printing Press Preserve the Past or Invent the Future? (C3 Teachers)

CQ: Did the Printing Press Preserve the Past or Invent the Future? (C3 Teachers)

Click here for C3 Teachers document for the inquiry: CQ: Did the printing press preserve the past or invent the future?

Staging the Compelling Question

Overview | Student Slides

Supporting Question 1: 

In what ways did the printing press preserve the past?

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 2: 

How did the printing press stimulate interest in exploration? 

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 3: 

How did the printing press allow for greater access to knowledge in Europe? (ThinkCERCA)

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 4: 

To what extent did the printing press facilitate change?

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 5: 

Exploration or Reformation: Which Was the More Important Consequence of the Printing Press? (DBQ World V2)

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Summative Performance Task

Overview | Student Slides

Taking Informed Action

Overview | Student Slides