
Standard 2: Physical and Personal Wellness

Learning Goal:  I know exercise helps keep my heart healthy & strong.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know my heart is the most important muscle in my body.

I know exercise is good for the health of my heart.

I know exercise causes my heart to beat faster and harder.

I can locate the heart on myself, a model or a diagram.

I can list exercises that help keep my heart healthy and strong.

I can use words like:  heartbeat, exercise, intensity

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can play and exercise for sixty minutes everyday.

I can feel my heartbeat using two fingers on my neck.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use a scale to rate how hard I’m exercising.

Standard 3: Emotional and Social Wellness

Learning Goal:  I am nice to myself and others.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know how I behave affects others.

I know how to take care of P.E. and playground equipment.

I can use kind and encouraging words.

I can treat others the way I like to be treated.

I can take turns and share equipment.

I can raise my hand before I speak.

I can listen when others are speaking.

I can use words like:  empathy, sharing, kindness 

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can be respectful of myself, others and equipment in P.E. and on the playground.

I can play games without interrupting others.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can play games as both a leader, and a follower.

Learning Goal:  I know directions help explain how to do something.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know rules and directions help keep me, and others safe.

I know rules and directions apply to everyone.

I know the rules and directions for different settings like the classroom, playground and on the bus.

I know I have to listen carefully when directions are being given to understand.

I know I can ask questions if I don’t understand directions.

I can list the directions for entering and exiting the gym.

I can repeat the steps and directions for a simple game, or activity.

I can use words like:  rules, directions, behavior, expectations

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can follow P.E. rules and directions.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain the rules and directions for a game, or other activity to a classmate.

Standard 4: Prevention and Risk Management

Learning Goal:  I can be safe in the gym and on the playground.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know that rules help keep myself and others safe.

I can list gym and playground rules.

I can move with my head up and eyes open.

I can play games without falling down, running into my classmates, or other objects.

I can use my voice to let my classmates know where I am when playing games.

I can use tools in P.E., like balls, hoops and racquets without hurting my classmates.

I can wear gym shoes on P.E. days.

I can “start” and “stop” on a signal, like a whistle.

I can use words like:  rules, safety, self-control

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can play games without hurting myself, or others. 

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can tell my teacher if I see unsafe behaviors.