1st Grade

Standard 1: Movement Competency and Understanding

Learning Goal:  I can use a variety of objects to play games.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know different games require different objects to play.

I know the objects I use in some games can be used in others.

I can identify different objects used in a game.

I can kick a ball using a three step approach.

I can use words like:  dribble, throw, catch, bounce, strike

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can dribble a ball with my good hand, while standing in place.

I can toss a ball underhand to myself and catch it before it bounces.

I can throw a ball using an overhead motion.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use racquets, paddles, bats and body parts to strike objects.

Learning Goal:  I know the language of movement.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know different games require different ways of moving.

I know the way I move in some games can be used in others.

I can identify different movements used in a game.

I can tell the difference between a run and sprint, a hop and jump and a gallop and skip.

I can change my speed and direction when playing games.

I can follow the movements of my teacher, or classmates.

I can use words like:  personal space, pathways, levels, speed, skip, gallop, slide, hop & leap 

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can move to different signals and commands.

I can move using different pathways (straight, curved & zig zag).

I can move at different levels (high, low & medium).

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can recognize personal space, open space & boundaries when playing a game.

Standard 2: Physical Health and Wellness

Learning Goal:  I know how my body changes when I exercise.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know exercise is good for my body.

I know my heart is a muscle.

I can locate my heart on myself, a diagram or a model.

I can feel my heartbeat using two fingers on my neck.

I can list exercises that help keep my heart healthy and strong.

I can list exercises that strengthen muscles in my body.

I can list three ways my body changes when I play and exercise.

I can use words like:  heartbeat, exercise, intensity, sweat

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can play and exercise for sixty minutes everyday.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use a scale to rate how hard I’m exercising.

Standard 3: Social  and Personal Wellness

Learning Goal:  I can work alone, and with others to get work done.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know some jobs are easier to do with others.

I know that being part of a team means doing my share.

I can pick partners I know I can work well with.

I can share equipment and take turns.

I can help take equipment out, and put it away.

I can be a helpful partner to my classmates.

I can use words like:  helpful, sharing, teamwork

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can be a good partner, or teammate in games and group activities.

I can win without bragging, or lose without pouting. 

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can make good choices to form a group that can work well together to get a difficult job done.

Learning Goal:  I can follow rules for a game.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know rules are important for enjoying a game.

I know rules help keep myself and others safe.

I know that different games have different rules.

I know rules describe what is, and isn’t allowed in a game.

I know rules keep games fair for everyone.

I can list rules for different gym and playground games.

I can use words like:  rules, fairness, honesty 

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can follow rules when playing games.

I can accept responsibility for my behavior when playing games.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can teach the rules of a game to a classmate.

Standard 4: Prevention and Risk Management

Learning Goal:  I can move safely while playing games.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I can follow rules for a game.

I can move with my head up and eyes open.

I can play games without falling down, running into my classmates, or other objects.

I can use my voice to let my classmates know where I am when playing games.

I can use tools in P.E., like balls, hoops and racquets without hurting my classmates.

I can “start” and “stop” on a signal, like a whistle.

I can find and move to open and self space in a game.

I can use words like:  open space, self-space, self-control, safety

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can play games without hurting myself, or others. 

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can create a list of simple safety rules for a game with help from my teacher.