5th Grade

Standard 1: Movement Competency and Understanding 

Learning Goal:  I use feedback to help me improve my skills.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know regular practice can help me improve my skills.

I know simple skills need to be mastered before more difficult ones.

I know improving my skills takes time and patience.

I can break down a movement skill to its simplest parts.

I can teach a skill, or movement pattern to a family member, or friend.

I can create a simple practice plan for skill improvement that includes drills, equipment and a schedule.

I can use words like:  practice, analyze, feedback

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can analyze and correct movement and stationary skills, such as throwing, or balancing.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use technology, or an app such as “Coaches Eye,” to analyze a skill or movement for the purpose of identifying errors and correcting them.

Learning Goal:  I can demonstrate basic moving, non-moving and rhythmic skills with and without objects.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know movement skills form the foundation for all game play.

I can list the key steps for dribbling, throwing, catching, kicking, striking and volleying.

I can demonstrate weight transfer and follow through when throwing.

I can demonstrate momentary balance using different parts of my body.

I can identify and follow the correct steps and patterns in a simple dance routine.

I can use words like:  rhythm, balance, transfer, follow through

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can dribble, throw, catch, kick, strike, volley and balance while playing games.

I can demonstrate rhythm by jumping a rope consistently.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can create and perform a simple gymnastics routine, or dance sequence demonstrating smooth transitions.

Learning Goal:  I know movement strategies and use them in games.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know how to move to open space to receive a pass.

I know how to move away from pressure.

I know how to position my body between my opponent and the goal.

I know how to create “field awareness,” by keeping my head up and eyes open.

I can use communication to let my teammates know where I am.

I can change my speed, and/or direction to elude a defender.

I can use words like:  pressure, open space, goal side, fake 

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can perform a simple play, such as a “give & go” in a game.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can create a play that uses motion, objects and an attacking strategy, and teach it to another person.

Standard 2: Personal and Physical Wellness

Learning Goal:  I can set goals for improving my health-related fitness.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know habits of regular physical activity are important for lifelong health.

I know I am more likely to participate in physical activity if I enjoy it.

I can evaluate my fitness levels using FitnessGram Healthy Fit Zones.

I can list and define the components of the F.I.T.T. principle.

I can use words like:  goals, Healthy Fit Zone (HFZ), health-related fitness

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can set short and long term goals to improve my fitness.

I can accurately take my pulse at rest and while exercising.

I can compare my fitness goals to FitnessGram Healthy Fit Zones.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain how the five components of health-related fitness affect my ability to perform normal, daily activities.

I can evaluate the effectiveness of a physical activity program and suggest adjustments to reach my personal fitness goals.

Learning Goal:  I know and understand the skill-related components of fitness and how they affect my physical performance.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know movement skills form the foundation for all game play.

I know some games, sports and physical activities require more skill than others.

I can list and define the six components of skill related fitness.

I can identify the skill related components used in a variety of games and sports.

I can use words like:  skill related fitness, agility, balance, speed, coordination, power, reaction time

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can explain the difference between health and skill related fitness.

I can provide an example of an exercise, or activity to improve each component of skill related fitness.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain how both health and skill related fitness work together to influence my fitness and physical performance.

I can design a plan using the six skill related components of fitness to improve my performance in a game, or sport of my choosing.

Standard 3: Social and Emotional Wellness

Learning Goal:  I know my own physical activity interests and contribute in team and group work.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know winning isn’t everything.

I know losing presents opportunities to grow and learn.

I know I am more likely to participate in physical activity if I enjoy it.

I can try new games, and other physical activities to see if I like them.

I can congratulate my opponents at the end of the game.

I can honor games by playing by the rules and respecting others.

I can use words like:  motivation, self-interest, teamwork, responsibility, actions

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can accept responsibility for my own actions and decisions without blaming others.

I can build confidence in myself, and others to successfully participate in games, sports and other physical activities.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain how motivation can help me stay physically active.

I can explain how my behavior in games, sports and other group activities affects how others think about me.

Learning Goal:  I can work productively with others.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know being part of a team requires cooperation.

I know working with others can help solve difficult problems.

I let my teammates to experience different roles in games, regardless of their ability level.

I can participate in games that require teamwork and cooperation.

I can take turns and share.

I can use kind and encouraging words.

I can stand up for myself, and others.

I can use words like:  acceptance, problem-solving, teamwork, cooperation, respect, rules

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can create and accomplish goals in both competitive and cooperative group settings.

I can peacefully solve disagreements with others.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use a problem solving approach to analyze a challenge in a group physical activity setting and come to an agreement on possible solutions.

Standard 4: Risk Management and Prevention

Learning Goal:  I can use equipment and space safely.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know participating in games and other physical activities requires attention to safety.

I know warm-up and cool down activities prepare my body for physical activity and help prevent injury.

I can list the benefits, and risks of following, or not following safety rules.

I can identify proper safety equipment for a variety of physical activities.

I can use equipment safely and for the purpose intended.

I can demonstrate self-control and good decision making as it relates to safety.

I can use words like:  self-control, rules, hazard, injury

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can follow game and activity rules to keep a safe environment.

I can describe safe and unsafe behaviors for a variety of physical activities.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can teach a classmate the rules of a game, or other physical activity in order to maintain safe playing conditions.