2nd Grade
Standard 1: Movement Competency and Understanding
Learning Goal: I can move my body and objects with balance and control.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know that many games require balance to play well.
I know balancing some objects is easier than others.
I know balance can involve motion, and stillness.
I can identify activities that require balance.
I can balance using different parts of my body.
I can move in different ways to even, and uneven beats.
I can use words like: focus, concentration, even, uneven, balance
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I can balance objects on more than one body part.
I can balance my body on lines, or low balance beams while moving, or remaining motionless.
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can combine two or more rolls into a simple routine and finish with a momentary balance, such as a scale.
Learning Goal: I can use feedback to get better.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know that practice can help me improve a skill or performance.
I know that improving a skill, or performance takes time and effort.
I can use a tool, such as video to analyze my performance.
I can offer suggestions to help a classmate improve their performance.
I can accept feedback from others to improve my performance.
I can use words like: strengths, weaknesses, feedback, practice
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I can use feedback from my teacher to identify my strengths & weaknesses.
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can use feedback in a simple plan to improve a skill, or performance with help from my teacher.
Learning Goal: I can combine skills and move in different ways.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know a skip follows a step, hop, step pattern.
I know a hop uses a one foot-to-same foot jumping & landing pattern.
I know a gallop follows a forward facing step, slide, step, pattern.
I know a side slide follows a sideways facing step, slide, step pattern.
I know moving in different ways makes playing games possible.
I can describe the difference between walking and running.
I can use words like: step, hop, slide, balance, combine
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I can skip, hop, gallop and side slide.
I can transition between skips, hops, gallops and side slides.
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can combine skills while playing in a game.
Standard 2: Personal and Physical Wellness
Learning Goal: I can identify habits that keep me healthy and strong.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know food is the fuel my body uses to exercise.
I know the five basic food groups.
I can identify one healthy food choice from each of the five food groups.
I know that getting enough sleep every night is necessary for good health.
I know that drinking water is important for my health.
I know regular exercise is important for my health.
I can use words like: hydration, fuel, habits
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I can list habits that help keep me healthy and strong.
I can list three ways my body changes during exercise.
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can explain the fuel requirements of my body during exercise and at rest.
Standard 3: Social and Emotional Wellness
Learning Goal: I can use positive, encouraging and helpful behavior and words with my classmates.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know how I treat others influences how they think about me.
I can understand how my classmates feel, by putting myself in their place.
I can work and play with others to get things done.
I can treat others the way I like to be treated.
I can take turns and share equipment.
I can show respect by listening when others are talking.
I can invite others to join in games and other physical activities.
I can use words like: kindness, patience, understanding
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I use positive words and behaviors when working and playing with others.
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can explain how being kind and encouraging can help make games and other physical activities more enjoyable for everyone.
Standard 4: Risk Management and Prevention
Learning Goal: I know and follow gym and playground rules to keep myself and others safe.
Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!
I know that rules help keep myself and others safe.
I know I am responsible for being safe and following rules.
I can list gym and playground rules.
I know the P.E. schedule and wear my gym shoes on days I’m scheduled.
I know that chewing gum in P.E. could cause me to choke.
I can identify unsafe behaviors in myself, and others.
I can tell my teacher if I see unsafe behaviors.
I can use words like: rules, safe, unsafe, choices, behavior
Level 3 - I met the goal!
I can follow gym and playground safety rules
Level 4 - I can go farther!
I can explain how my own behavior and decisions can affect the safety of myself and others.