3rd Grade

Standard One: Movement Competency and Understanding

Learning Goal:  I can perform exercises and cross body movements that help teach my body and brain to work together.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know my body is divided into two halves.

I know my right from my left.

I can locate the body’s midline on myself, a model, diagram or another person.

I know that my brain and body work together in order to move.

I know exercise is good for my brain.

I can list and describe games that involve rhythm and crossing the midline.

I can use words like:  rhythm, midline 

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can demonstrate skills that involve rhythm and crossing the midline of my body such as playing “paddy cake.”

I can balance motionless on a variety of body parts.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can create a movement routine, such as a series of tumbling moves, or dance steps that involves rhythm and cross body movement.

Learning Goal:  I know how to improve my skills.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know my movement strengths, and weaknesses.

I know regular practice can help me improve my skills.

I know simple skills need to be mastered before more difficult ones.

I can observe and study an expert model to understand how to perform a skill correctly.

I can help a friend, or classmate improve a skill by providing helpful advice and feedback.

I can use words like:  practice, analyze, feedback, skill cue

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can use information I learn about myself, or get from my teacher to help me improve my movement skills.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can use technology, or an app such as “Coaches Eye,” to study a skill or movement for the purpose of identifying errors and correcting them.

Learning Goal:  I can combine a lot of different movement skills in games, sports and other physical activities.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I can change my direction quickly without falling, or losing my balance.

I know my right from my left, and front from my back.

I can list and demonstrate different movement pathways.

I can move to music at high, medium and low levels.

I describe & demonstrate throwing, catching, striking and trapping.

I can use words like:  straight, curve, zig zag, force, combine

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can chase, flee and dodge to avoid others when playing games.

I can change pathways, levels, direction and force while using an object, such as dribbling a basketball.

I can use throwing, catching, striking & trapping skills in games.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain, using examples how skills and movement patterns learned in one game can be combined and used in another game.

Standard 2: Personal and Physical Wellness

Learning Goal:  I know the benefits of exercise that cause my heart to beat fast and heavy breathing have on my health.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know the major parts and jobs of the cardiovascular system.

I can locate the heart and lungs on myself, a model, diagram, or a classmate.

I can explain the difference between “belly” breathing and “nose” breathing.

I can explain the difference between heart rate and heart pulse.

I can describe a movement skill down to its simplest parts.

I can “pace” myself when exercising, or playing games.

I can describe how hard I’m exercising using a chart, or scale.

I can use words like:  pulse, respiration, heart rate, perspiration

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can explain how my body responds when exercising long and hard.

I can explain how my heart and lungs work together during exercise.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain how the length and difficulty of a workout affects my body’s need for fuel.

Learning Goal:  I know my body is made of muscles, bones, organs, fat and water.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know my body is made of many different parts.

I know that different parts of my body work together, like parts of a car.

I can explain the main function of muscles, bones, fat and organs.

I can locate the heart and lungs on myself, a model, another student, or a diagram.

I know water is important for the health of my body.

I can take my pulse in two places on my body.

I can compare my heart rate at rest, and while exercising.

I can use words like:  organs, muscles, bones, fat

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can identify the major bones and muscles of my body.

I can explain the difference between “good” and “bad” body fat.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can explain how increasing my heart rate strengthens my heart muscle.

Standard 3: Social and Emotional Wellness

Learning Goal:  I can help create a friendly, happy place to learn by being kind and getting along with others.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I can play without distracting others.

I can take turns speaking and avoid interrupting when others are speaking.

I can show respect for others by listening and making good “eye contact” when they speak.

I can share equipment and take turns.

I can show respect for others by following the rules for a game.

I can congratulate my classmates at the end of a game whether I win, or lose.

I can use words like:  respect, sportsmanship, empathy

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can encourage my classmates through the use of my words, and behavior.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can behave responsibly and make good decisions when playing group games and activities.

Standard 4: Risk Management and Prevention

Learning Goal:  I can help prevent injuries in physical education class.

Level 2 - I’m working towards the goal!

I know my own behavior and decisions affect my own safety, and that of my classmates.

I can keep my body under control at all times when playing games.

I can wear proper shoes for physical education classes.

I can use equipment such as racquets, paddles and balls safely.

I know chewing gum while playing games is a choking hazard.

I can follow directions for taking equipment out, and putting it away.

I can list rules for playing in the gym, and on the playground.

I can use words like:  rules, safety, self-control, decision-making

Level 3 - I met the goal!

I can explain how my behavior and decisions can affect my own safety, and that of others.

I can follow safety rules in the gym, and on the playground.

Level 4 - I can go farther!

I can list, explain and address safety measures before playing a game, or participating in other physical activity.