Just One More

Eat one more fruit or vegetable a day!

You might be wondering, why one more?

You might be wondering, why Just One More? How does one more fruit or vegetable impact a person's overall health? One more fruit or vegetable can't make a positive difference, can it? Well, eating one more fruit or vegetable per day can be very beneficial to a student's health. Every student should aim for 3 to 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables a day, because doing so can help reduce their chance of chronic disease. Chronic diseases are very common, but can be prevented through consuming a healthy diet. Instead of replacing other parts of our diet, we encourage adding fruits and vegetables to make healthier, nutrient rich, and balanced meals. Eating just one more fruit or vegetable per day (whether it is frozen, canned, or fresh) can and will make a difference in student overall health and well being. If we improve the overall health of students, they will perform better and most importantly feel better. We named our campaign Just One More because we know the positive difference we can make for students and families throughout the Jeffco community.

The Jeffco Student Health Advisory Council’s 2021-22 campaign is focused on encouraging students to eat "Just One More" fruit or vegetable each day. By doing so, we hope to encourage education surrounding nutrition and the benefits of eating more fruits and veggies. We created a KAHOOT for 3rd-8th graders

The month of the PUMPKIN! We have lots of health facts, recipes, and puns just for you!

Time for CORN! A curated selection of new recipes, facts, and puns this month!

It's APPLE month! Look at these awesome apple fun facts, recipes, and puns!

Time for CARROTS to shine, well as much as they can anyways... Get ready for new carrot recipes facts and puns!

We baked apple carrot muffins!

Check out the recipe HERE

Guess what... it is STRAWBERRY month! Look at these fun recipes, facts and puns!

Cool as a cucumber: check out this page!

It's SPRING and the asparagus are sprouting! Check out these fun facts, recipes and puns.

Cherries! Visit this page for cherries galore.