

Strawberry Facts

  • Packed with vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols, sodium-free. Fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food

  • Good source of manganese and potassium

  • Possesses the ability to ward off colds by helping your immune system

  • Can lower the risk of a heart attack by managing high blood pressure and preventing platelet build-up

  • Helps with inflammation which factors in serious conditions like stroke, heart attacks, and cancer

  • Improves digestion because strawberries contain lots of fiber

  • Regulates blood sugar

  • A daily dose of strawberries can boost your heart, brain and digestive health

  • Strawberries can help you maintain your healthy vision

  • Can help reduce inflammation of your joints

  • Strawberries boost your fiber intake

  • The vitamin C strawberries provide you with helps improve skin quality, and strengthen your memory

"I'd tell you about the strawberry jam... but you might spread it!"