Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ is a brief overview of frequently asked questions from our parents and community members. If you have a question specific to your child or school please contact your building principal. For general questions or comments, email us at

What is Ignite Online?

Ignite Online is a Jackson R-2 School District Instructional Method for those students who can’t return to school on campus. It will be daily, high-quality, on-line instruction offered by specially-trained Jackson R-2 Teachers. Students will be accepted through an application process and enrolled one semester at a time.

If I want my student to start school on campus at a Jackson R-2 building on August 24th, do I need to fill an application?

If your student is already enrolled in the Jackson R-2 School District, your student will be automatically enrolled as an in-person student unless the Ignite Online application was completed. Your student will report to their assigned school building on Monday, August 24th for in-person classes.

What is the deadline to enroll in Ignite Online Instruction?

Students will be allowed to enroll in Jackson R-2 School District's Ignite Online School until Friday, August 7th. Click this link to complete the application.

What are the requirements for Ignite Online Instruction?

  • A reliable internet connection, not provided by the district, is required.

  • Students will be enrolled in online instruction for the duration of the first semester, at a minimum.

  • A school day will be from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Therefore, students will be expected to engage in learning during these hours.

  • Student attendance will be recorded.

  • High-quality instruction (whole class, small groups, and individual) will be provided or overseen by a Jackson R-2 teacher.

  • Various online training structures of synchronous (learning that is happening at the same time led by the teacher) and asynchronous learning (an assignment completed independently by the student) will be utilized throughout the instructional day.

  • Teachers will be available from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM for conferences or discussions.

  • Students will continue to participate in District and State assessments as needed.

  • Students taking courses online are subject to the same district policies, procedures, and rules applicable to students enrolled in traditional courses.

  • Students enrolled in online courses are expected to actively participate, meet assignment deadlines, and complete each course.

  • The district is not required to provide students access to or pay for courses beyond full-time enrollment.

Elementary only:

  • Students will likely need family support and some supervision while online.

  • Students will be given an academic screener and diagnostic assessment in person, on campus, in a safe environment to determine the individual literacy needs of the student.

  • New standards-based instruction will be provided by teachers.

If students do not meet these requirements, a conference with a school administrator is required, and the student may be reassigned to traditional on-campus instruction.

If a student is enrolled in Ignite Online Instruction, can they participate in classes such as band and choir?

Students who participate in Ignite Online would have an option to fulfill a music credit through band and choir, but not in the traditional format. They would not have the same large ensemble experience as in a classroom setting or a concert setting with their peers. Individual lessons and individual experiences may be possible. More information will be released as we see how many students want this option.

How will in-person school look different for those students returning on-campus?

Jackson R-2 Schools have put many safety procedures in place and are following guidance from local health officials and feedback from parents and staff, these procedures will include but not be limited to the following priorities:

  • Monitoring symptoms and temperatures at home before attending school.

  • Cooperation with families by agreeing to keep sick students at home and/or promptly picking up students who may develop symptoms while at school.

  • Maintaining social distancing whenever possible at school.

  • Wearing cloth face coverings for students over the age of 10 when social distancing is not possible, and/or when instructed by staff members.

  • Hand washing and hand sanitizing procedures performed regularly.

  • Increased cleaning and sanitizing surfaces during the day, which will include common areas, desks, playgrounds, and equipment.

  • Proper bus procedures for riders and drivers (masks worn on buses, proper hand sanitizing, families seated together when possible, cleaning of buses regularly).

  • Limiting visitors to school buildings when possible.

What will social distancing look like in classrooms?

When possible, desks will be spaced between 3 - 6 feet apart. Students will be placed in a more traditional row seating and facing the same direction when possible. Elementary students may have social distancing guides on tables such as tape or dividers at times. Carpet time will be utilized in smaller groups. Students who work in small groups or in close proximity with the teacher or other students may be asked to wear their masks in secondary buildings. Elementary students could possibly wear a mask in small groups as well. Teachers and staff who work in small groups with students will utilize face covering (face shields and/or face masks).

Will students have to wear a mask all day with no break?

No. Students will not have to wear a mask all day long with no break. Each student should have a mask accessible. While elementary students will not be required to wear a mask, there could be instances when they may be asked to wear a face covering in small group activities or where medically fragile students are present, or where social distancing is not possible.

Secondary students will be asked to wear a face covering in hall passing times where social distancing is not possible, and in small group settings where social distancing can’t be maintained.

Students will not wear face coverings during physical activity such as PE, athletics while playing, or recess.

If I want my student to wear a mask, can I make that request of my student and ask my child’s teacher to remind them?

Yes. Please communicate this with your child’s teacher.

If my child has a medical reason to not wear a mask, will they be required to wear a face covering?

No. Please communicate this with your child’s teacher.

Will school supplies be shared?

No. Each child is asked to have the necessary supplies for school. Please label the supplies with your child’s name. If you can’t provide school supplies, please let us know. We will make arrangements for your student.

Will water fountains be used during the day?

At this time, water fountains will not be available for use. However, bottle filling stations have been installed at each building. Students can bring a water bottle with their name on it to refill during the school day.

If my student is enrolled in Ignite Online School will school lunches be available?

Yes. If your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch and you have enrolled in Ignite Online School, you may pick up a week’s worth of grab and go meals at East and Middle School locations at 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. Mondays.

If you do not qualify for school lunch but you would like to purchase a school lunch for your child while enrolled in Ignite Online School, you may pick up a week’s worth of grab and go meals at East and Middle School locations at 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. Mondays.

What are the procedures for bus riders?

Bus transportation is necessary for children to get to and from school safely. Risks for both students and drivers should be mitigated. Parents/caregivers should prioritize a safe alternative mode of transportation when available to optimize physical distancing on the bus.


  • Staff should always wear a cloth face covering.

  • Staff can consider wearing a face shield if it does not inhibit driving.

  • Installing a physical barrier (e.g. plexiglass) between the driver’s seat and students can be considered.


  • Buses should be loaded from back to front or in their assigned seat depending on the bus route.

  • Seats should be assigned.

  • Family units should sit together.

  • All children should wear a cloth face covering.

  • Windows should be opened (weather permitting) to allow for airflow.

  • Students should use hand sanitizer upon bus entry.