Rules and Instructions

Welcome to the Mega Puzzle! Over the course of this month you will receive puzzles in various forms with various answers that you must solve in order to be crowned the LLC Mega Puzzle champion. The first team of up to 4 to successfully complete all of the challenges and pass the test will be the winner.  To the winner (and shared with their teammates) goes mini arcade machines, personalized trophies, extra credit, fame, power, fortune (not really), love (I'll give you a hug), anything you could ever ask for!!!

Many of the elements of this puzzle are adapted from puzzles that others have created. An explanation of the solution as well as proper citations will be published after the puzzle has been completed.

We will likely keep the puzzle open a couple extra days after it is first solved for others to complete it.

Solutions for each part of the puzzle will be submitted through Google forms linked on each puzzle's respective page. You may submit responses as many times as you'd like. (However, you may get evicted from the quest if you spam the entries.) 

If there are any hints or clarifications that need to be made relating to the puzzle they will be posted on the Updates page, or at the bottom of each puzzle's own page. 

Do not disrupt classes, nor let your own work suffer in your quest to solve the puzzle. 

Good Luck!

-Puzzle Masters