Woah. There is definitely something wrong going on with the centipede machine right now. What even is this on the screen?

(#;#) (#;#) (#;#) (#;#) (#;#) (#;#)

I talked to the manager and he gave me these instructions to fix the machine. Make sure that you read these directions line-by-line and word-by-word. We're all counting on you!

Ok so, the machine's data is corrupted. Here's how you fix it:

Might be weird, but the machine's code structure only allows true puzzle masters to fix it, so first solve the math puzzle

Second, with the key that I'll give you soon, open up the back of the machine.

There you'll see a funky looking switchboard with a bunch of lights.

Keep flicking the switches until the value of each light is correct. (The lights should all turn green).

Last thing you'll do is enter the secret pairs of numbers to fully complete the repairs.

(The numbers will be telepathically transmitted by the machine to you, so don't worry too much about that)

And that's all you have to do!


Hint #1: This is a KenKen puzzle

Hint #2: The manager's instructions themselves are complete nonsense. Maybe there's a secret hidden in there...

Hint #3: This might help you get started. (The image got update with even more numbers!!!)