Q*bert is such a fun and puzzling game. You know what, just for you, I included a short little description of the game to help you get started. Have fun!

Qbert is an arcade game released in 1982 by Gottlieb. It is a puzzle game where the player controls a character named Qbert, who jumps around a pyramid-shaped board, changing the color of each square as he lands on them. The objective of the game is to change the color of every square on the board while avoiding enemies such as Coily the snake, Ugg and Wrongway. Seems like we're in the early level so no enemies for us. Qbert jumps by pressing the joystick in the direction the player wants him to go. The game features a unique isometric perspective, which gives the illusion of depth and makes the gameplay challenging. Overall, Q*bert remains a beloved classic arcade game and an iconic piece of gaming history. I've got to be honest, I was lazy and had ChatGPT  type out this description for me lol!


Hint #1: The words themselves in the paragraph aren't very important. It still looks very interesting though.

Hint #2: All those fonts look so cool!

Hint #3: Make sure to follow Q*bert, as he will lead you to the answer.

Hint #4: Notice how Q*bert always starts in the middle, and moves down left or right...

Hint #5: The names of the fonts are what is important.

Hint #6: Maybe if you stacked the names of the fonts and followed Q*bert, you would get the solution

Hint #7: Make three stacks of 4 words and follow Q*bert to find the answer. Remember to start in the middle...