Little Mac: Coach, I think I’m finally ready to face off against some real boxers! Do you have any advice for these upcoming opponents? 

Doc Louis: These guys are going to attack you mentally as well as physically. You’ll need to bring your “A” game. 

Glass Joe: What has cities, but not houses; mountains, but no trees; and coasts, but no sand?  (3)

Piston Hurricane: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go outside. What am I?  (8 8)

Bald Bull: What can travel all around the world while remaining stuck in a corner?  (5)

Kid Quick: Sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, wind or rain, I stay outside. Even if there’s heat or snow, from house to house I will still go. What am I? (4)

Pizza Pasta: I give without expecting back, My wealth is shared, not kept in a sack. I work to make the world a better place, And leave behind a positive trace. What am I? (14)

Mr Sandman: I am something that everyone has the potential to possess, but only a few can truly claim to possess me at my best. I require effort, time, and dedication to obtain, but once you have me, my value will never wane. (9)


Hint #1: Coach said to bring your “A” game. What if looking for the A’s in each boxer’s name could help you find their weak points? 

Hint #2: The A's in each boxer's name tell you where to find the weakpoint. However, one character doesn't seem to have a weak point 😱.

Hint #3: The numbers in parentheses are the lengths of each answer.