Research Conferences

Sigma Xi Student Research Conference

Through my work with Dr. Fodstad, I had the opportunity to present her findings at the Sigma Xi Student Research Conference. This international weekend long event contained scientific poster presentations from hundreds of students and professionals from a wide range of disciplines. Nicole and I worked with each other to compile a poster and create a pre-recorded video explaining our research. Below is the poster we presented along with the video. 

Indiana University Undergraduate Research Conference- 2021

In December of 2021, myself along with the other members of the research team, got the opportunity to present our findings at the IUURC. This undergraduate research conference was the first in person research event that I have been to so it was a great networking opportunity. It was also really encouraging to see how far our project has come along in the year that I have been working on it. Below is the poster that we presented as well as some pictures of the event.