
Gain Real World Experience on a Research Team

Going into the LHSI Program, I did not have any experience with research. I am very excited to get the opportunity to develop some research skills and furthering my professional development. To ensure that I am growing my professional research skills, I have created the following bulleted list to track my progress throughout the year,

  • Stay organized by creating a file folder and placing all information pertinent to the study in this location.

        • Completed

  • Take notes during meetings and ask questions when they arise.

        • Completed

Improve My Communication Skills in a Professional Setting

Through this process, I would like to fine tune my communication skills. This includes communicating with my research team as well as participants that we will be interview. I would like to improve these skills because communication is vital to the success of any career pathway.

  • Have weekly meetings with Dr. Fodstad about how the project is going.

        • In Progress

  • Communication my scheduling needs in reference to balancing my school with my work load.

        • Completed

  • Continually practice my interviewing skills with my coworkers and on my own time.

        • Completed

Gain Knowledge of Evidence Based Care for Individuals with ASD

Caring for individuals with autism is something that is of particular interest to me. I would love to learn more about care for individuals of this population. Because of this, Dr. Fodstad and I thought that I should do some extra research on my own about this topic so I can further my knowledge about something that is interesting to me. Through my research, I have decided to write a systematic review paper for my end of year project.

  • Read extra research articles throughout the year to gain more knowledge on care for individuals with ASD.

        • In Progress

  • Make my research the topic of my poster project at the end of the year.

        • In Progress

  • Talk with Dr. Fodstad in our weekly meetings about my research and what I found to be interesting.

        • In Progress