CEA Scholar

This is my CEA project for the 2022-2023 school year. This year I continued my work with the IUPUI Adapted Movement Programs (AMP). AMP is a physical activity/exercise clinic that allows children and adults with disabilities to receive high quality activity programming from students in the exercise science department. This year, I helped with clinic operations as well as well as some additional projects focused on improving the program. 

New Skill

My CEA experience with the Adapted Movement Programs at IUPUI- physical activity programming for individuals with disabilities. 

My experience as a CEA for the AMP allowed me to develop a new skill in providing adapted physical activity for people with disabilities. Before working with the program, I had some knowledge of this area, but I was able to gain a more in-depth understanding of how to modify activities to meet the needs of each individual.

Through my work with the clients, I learned about the unique challenges that many individuals with disabilities face on a daily basis. It was eye-opening to see how inaccessible certain environments and activities can be, and it inspired me to take action and help eliminate some of these barriers.

Learning to adapt physical activities for people with disabilities required me to be creative and flexible. I needed to think outside the box and find ways to modify activities to ensure that everyone could participate. It was challenging at times, but seeing the joy on the clients' faces when they were able to participate in an activity made it all worth it.

Overall, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have gained this new skill and to have made a positive impact in the lives of the clients I worked with. I believe that this experience has helped me become a more compassionate and empathetic individual and has reinforced my desire to work in a field where I can make a difference in the lives of others.

Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-euaXw0w-RIklGAxXvtrpJrFZGopWtmX/view?usp=sharing

MAC End of Clinic Video Spring 2023.mov


As a CEA for the Adapted Movement Programs (AMP), I had the opportunity to serve as a leader within the Motor Activity Clinic for children with disabilities and the Ability Fitness Clinic for adults with disabilities. One of the key issues that this program addresses is the lack of physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities, which can lead to poorer overall health within this population. My role was to facilitate the student-client interactions, plan clinic operations behind the scenes, and step in as a trainer when needed. I was passionate about this foundational program that helps provide affordable physical activity programming for individuals with disabilities within the Indianapolis community.

My previous experiences as a Special Olympics coach, volunteering in an adapted PE class in high school, and being involved with the Best Buddies program at IUPUI had prepared me well for my role as a CEA. These experiences allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. By connecting theoretical concepts I learned in the classroom to the practical applications of supporting individuals with disabilities in the workplace, I was able to apply my knowledge and develop strong communication and interpersonal skills.

One issue that I became acutely aware of during my time as a CEA was the lack of affordable exercise programming for individuals with disabilities. This made me more committed to advocating for policies that increase access to affordable physical activity programming for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, I learned about the lack of building accessibility, which made me more aware of the importance of designing and retrofitting buildings to be more inclusive and accessible.

My experience as a CEA for the AMP was rewarding, and I feel that I made a valuable contribution to the program. One of my proudest accomplishments was helping develop a sensory room for our clients. I also acted as a leader for our new CEAs, developed lasting bonds with the clients, and provided programming that was engaging and meaningful for each person.

However, one of the challenges I faced during this experience was learning more about activity modifications for people with disabilities. I know that I need to continue to improve my knowledge and skills to better serve our clients, and I am committed to doing so. Overall, my experience as a CEA for the AMP has given me a deeper appreciation for the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, and I am committed to advocating for policies that increase access to physical activity programming and improve the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities.


Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQgXIjz5c3EUwvNhdMQktOEqfpwjjn0k/view?usp=sharing

CEA For AMP - Made with Clipchamp.mp4