
ITE Manitoba Section

Our Student Chapter strives to work closely with the ITE Manitoba Section on a number of events throughout the year, including the past Annual ITE Manitoba Golf Tournament each September and now the new ITE Escape Room event. We have also hosted joint technical luncheons for students and industry. To access the ITE Manitoba Section website, go to

ITE Canada

Our Student Chapter is one of the eighteen currently-active Student Chapters in Canada, recognized by ITE Canada. Each year, students from our Student Chapter travel to the Annual ITE Canada Conference, of which highlights from these trips can be seen below.  ITE Canada website

2023  ITE Canada/CARSP - Conference and Annual General Meeting - Winnipeg

ITE Canada's annual meeting was held closer to home this year, with the 2019 ITE Canada Conference being held in Winnipeg from June 4th to June 7th. Student Chapter members enjoyed volunteering, attending the conference and competing in the traffic bowl this year! Check out the most recent ITE Canada Transportation Talk publication to find out more about the conference. 


The following organizations provide scholarship opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students:

University of Manitoba undergraduate scholarships can be obtained through Financial Aids and Awards. To view available scholarships, please visit their website.  

Useful Links

ITE Canada (formerly CITE - Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers)-

ITE - Institute of Transportation Engineers -

TAC - Transportation Association of Canada -

RAC - Railway Association of Canada -

TRB - Transportation Research Board -

TRIS - National Transportation Library -

EGM - Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba - 

CARSP - Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals -

CCPE - Canadian Council of Professional Engineers -

ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers -

CSCE - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering -