This year, a long-established tradition of our school, the art contest dedicated to its namesake poet Cielo d'Alcamo, was centered around our Mother Earth and launched as a side-line activity to the Erasmus+ project "My Dream School". A lot of students attending our two secondary schools, as well as younger ones from the local middle schools, participated with poems, shorts stories, paintings, photos, videos. The theme of the art competition was how to save and cherish our planet, starting from the environment around the place we live in, changing the bad habits into virtuous practices and renewed awareness.Their families and friends were invited to join the audience in the community theatre, thanks to the contribution of our Town Administration. A vibrant, heart-felt and eco-conscious event was the outcome of this exceptional joint-forces cooperation. The best works were chosen by a jury of selected teachers and awarded books as prizes, as well as a plaque. It was a success and, we hope, a small contribution to make our community a dream one!

Chiara is a student from the class IIE of the Liceo Scientifico and she took part to the contest. Read her  comment about the experience: "This event was a beautiful experience for me because I had the opportunity to express myself about a very important theme: the earth. I love writing and I’ve always been interested in this topic so when I heard about this competition I immediately felt inspired. I decided to talk about a rich CEO of an important company who didn’t care at all about all the pollution he was producing; thanks to a dream where he could talk with Mother Nature, he understood that saving the world wasn’t just a problem for future generations: we need to take action now, before it’s too late. The day of the awards ceremony was wonderful, some classes prepared all kinds of different performances to raise awareness about this important topic and I won second place in my category .

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