PI Greek day in tour

The PI Greek Day is a day dedicated to science and technology to engage students in these subjects in a fun and interesting way. On the 14 march (literally 03/14) of every year, our school organizes a lot of experiments and science games that are carried out by students and shown to middle and primary school children to trigger their love for the world of science. 

This year the  theme was "PI Greek in tour" :  some students created an area dedicated to the school Erasmus projects  with engaging and funny interactive games like  quizzes, puzzles and "snakes and ladders"  to increase students' knowledge about the Erasmus+ program and the European Union. The icing on the cake was the "Cake Contest": students made travel-themed desserts. 

This day, long- awaited by everyone, is not only a way to understand these wonderful subjects in a fun and engaging way, but also to socialize, create beautiful memories with the people you love, and meet new people!

Eleonora G. 3D

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