First steps towards our DREAM SCHOOL

Today we had a successful brainstorming with artists introducing the MACA Museum in Alcamo to our students of the Class 3B - Liceo Classico Cielo d'Alcamo of IIS G.Ferro. MACA is a vibrant space in which their claims of a dream community will find creative expression, making the most of team cooperation on projects. 

State of the art technology plus a young philosophy rooted in ancient values will bring forth a final exhibition open to all the citizens. Step by step, working together for a better future, transitioning through new-tech and green solutions, the students will inspire their town. Searching for old and new forms, methods, materials, we'll "open" the museum, making it a home for freeing ideas, a living engine for a change, not just a mummified wharehouse in memory of a glorious past. Let's go and get our Dream School! 

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