Artificial Intelligence: 

A Blessing or a Curse?

An eTwinning Project between France, Germany, Italy, and Turkey. The idea of this project was primarily to choose a topic that would allow  students to reflect together at a European level, not just locally, on a topic that is controversial and feared, which they will need to master in our fast-paced and fast-evolving world.

 Artificial intelligence is indeed a technology that divides and scares. However, our first reaction was that artificial intelligence was here to stay and won't disappear, so instead of lamenting, let's educate our students to use it intelligently, to grasp it with full knowledge. Because they have already seized it, with the disastrous results we know (cheating and copying unfinished, incorrect, sometimes off-topic work, and not proofreading, in short, a disaster that could precisely prevent them from thinking and reasoning for themselves). It was from these initial ideas and the very enthusiastic reception of all the European partners.

The project began in October. The first task for the students was to introduce themselves and express in three words what artificial intelligence represented to them. They created videos, posters, and texts to introduce themselves, commented on those of their new classmates, and exchanged ideas. They also shared their videos presenting their 3 words and explaining their choices. This task, along with an initial survey, helped assess our students' knowledge before starting the project, their interest in this topic, and their expectations.

The second step was to create a logo for the project, and the logo created and selected by the students includes the eTwinning logo, the flags of the 4 countries, artificial intelligence, and a human face. 

The third step was to work in and out of class on the topic, thus providing students with knowledge through a common course preparation for all project classes.

The fourth step was to select specific topics related to artificial intelligence in international groups, such as AI and music, AI and disability, the future of AI, AI and the world of work, AI and Hollywood, and AI and art. 

During the fifth step, international groups created one or two podcasts. For this, they started by getting to know each other better and selecting their roles according to their talents and desires (conducting preliminary research, writing the podcast script, proofreading it, recording it, editing it, uploading it, sharing it).  The students also interviewed experts and users of artificial intelligence. 

It is primarily a project about collaborative work and mutual aid, valuing each other's talents, getting to know young people from different backgrounds, analyzing a potentially dangerous technology, learning to use it more beneficially, becoming more open-minded citizens, ready to understand others in their differences, to exchange ideas on these differences, and to discover other traditions and ways of working. 

Congratulations to the class VF of our school for the excellent work!

If you are curious to learn about AI, click here: 

AI: a blessing or a curse? 

The French school Lycée Raoul Dautry applied to the national concours of the " Fondation Hyppocrène" and it  gained the "Grand Prix 2024". Further info in the following links: Fondation Hippocrène,

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