Web master: Mariangela B. (3D)                    

Social media team: Francesco B., Flavia, Rachele, Antonino B., Emiliano and Marco (3D)

Multimedia designers: Laura, Giada (3D)

Etwinning team: Antonino L. and Soviana (3D)

Etwinning coordinator: prof. M. Sorrentino

Class III B LC (prof. V. Lo Monaco) : MACA Museum experience

Class III A LS ( prof. A. Lo Fria ) : Graffiti lab

Class IIIB LS ( prof. G. Reina) : No plastic action

Class III C LS (prof. E. Ciulla): WEEE campaign

Class III D LS ( prof. M. Sorrentino): Blind date event

Class III D LS ( prof. P. Bongiovì) : Math riddles

Class III E/ F LS  ( prof. Libertino, Pipitone, Todaro): Erasmus library, Kinetic Christmas tree

Class III F LS ( prof. V. Pipitone): Designing an eco charger 

Coordinator : prof. M. Sorrentino