INCOMING MOBILITY: Zespol Szkol "Don Bosco", WROCLAW 19th-23rd FEBRUARY 2024

Our Erasmus+ accreditation trip to Alcamo, Sicily was amazing! The warm welcome from the Italian parents and students, teachers on Sunday was so heartwarming. Then on Monday, we got to showcase our school, towns, and country, which was a lot of fun. 

And let's not forget indulging in those delicious Italian snacks courtesy of the school director.

Touring the school was eye-opening, especially seeing how they're so environmentally conscious and actively promote sustainable development. It was fascinating to sit in on their science classes too. 

The Italian students really take ownership of their school environment, maintaining the gardens and creating those cool wall art projects.

 And getting to clean up the beach alongside our Italian and Polish friends was a hands-on lesson in environmental stewardship. 

Visiting Segesta was unforgettable. Those ancient ruins and the theater were breathtaking. Our Italian buddies were such great guides in Alcamo, showing us around the castle, churches, and the Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The Contemporary Art Museum was a nice change of pace too.

The trip to Palermo was a whirlwind of history and culture. From the Roman walls to the Palatine.Chapel and the cathedral, every moment was a new discovery. And singing along to our favorite tunes on the bus ride back, that was the perfect ending to an epic day. 

Leaving was tough, saying goodbye to our newfound friends was emotional. But we'll always cherish the memories and the bonds we formed during this incredible journey. Thank you Mariella Sorrentino and great teachers we met, for possibility of spending the time with you. 

Ms Magdalena Szewczyk- Erasmus Coordinator- "Don Bosco" School, Wroclaw

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