ISHCMC Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

  • Parents/guardians shall keep their child home from school if the child is or is suspected to be unwell. The student should not return to school until they are fully recovered or assessed as well enough to do so from a doctor/medical professional.

  • Parents will keep children at home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication (fever classed as 37.7 Celsius and above)

  • Parent/guardian will collect their child from ISHCMC when requested to do so from the Wellness Centre staff in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Children may not travel home on the school bus if deemed unwell by the Wellness Centre staff. In particular, if the student has a fever 37.7 Celsius and above.

  • Parents/guardians are to be contactable at all times during school hours, or while their child is attending extra-curricular activities. If for any reason they will be unable to take calls it is expected that the student’s class teacher and/or Wellness Centre staff will be provided with alternative contact/guardian information.

  • Notify your child's principal/vice principal, teacher and nurse if you will be traveling out of HCMC. Provide another responsible adult who will be in charge of your child.