Chicken pox is a viral infection characterized by an itchy rash presenting as small, red lumps on the face and body which can

spread rapidly to other parts of the body. Chicken pox ( Varicella) is spread by airborne droplets when a person coughs or sneezes,

or by direct contact with a chicken pox sore. A person affected with chicken pox may feel unwell and have a fever lasting 3-5 days.

Symptoms commonly appear within 14-16 days of exposure. (with a range of 10-20 days.)

Those with chicken pox are considered infectious and need to remain off school or work for 5-6 days or until the pox sores have

crusted over. A doctor should be consulted to prescribe a treatment plan and provide medical clearance before returning to daily

activities. Despite immunization, there is still a possibility of contracting chicken pox however it normally presents in a milder form.

If you suspect your child has chicken pox, do not bring them to school. If you suspect or have a confirmed case of chicken pox in

your household, contact the Wellness Center Clinic Staff at or by phone at 02838989100 EXT 2105/2633

primary, or 1131/1132 secondary Health Center.

On return to school, your child must be assessed by the Clinic staff to ensure they are medically fit to return to class.