Election process

The following positions require an election to serve on the executive board: 

For more information on what each position does, see the Officer responsibilities section in our Standing Rules

When are nominations due? 

Nominations are due by April 1st and the names of those who have accepted nominations will be announced by April 15.

If no nominations are submitted for an elected position by April 1st, the deadline may be extended for the role(s) until May 1.

How do I nominate myself or someone else for an elected position? 

Send an email to lincolnk8ppt@gmail.com 

When does voting occur? 

Voting occurs at the May general meeting. 

Voting for the 2024-2025 school year occurs on May 20th, 2024. 

How does the election process work?

At the May general meeting, members are given a sheet of paper to vote for the elected positions. 

The PTSA presidents tally the ballots and announce the election results at the meeting.

Elected members immediately become officers-in-training and will officially start their term on July 1st

What happens when more than one individual is nominated for the same position? 

This is great! We are excited to have multiple parents engaged for a position. At the May general meeting each candidate will be given 3 minutes to explain why they are running for the position, qualifications, and what they intend to do in said position. Candidates must focus on their potential contributions and shall not discuss other candidates they are running against.

Example Scenario: 

Steve is the current 2023-2024 Treasurer and nominates himself to the Treasurer position for the 2024-2025 school year. This is acceptable as Steve has only severved 1 year as Treasurer. 

Emily nominates herself as Treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year. 

At the May general meeting both Steve and Emily will have 3 minutes to explain why they are the best candidate for the position.