Monarch List K - 3rd

The Monarch Award is a state-wide program in which children in grades K through 3 choose their favorite book from a list of 20 nominated books. The list contains at least three of each of the following types of children's books: picture books, easy readers, and chapter books.

The name Monarch was chosen because of its familiarity to K-3 children and to symbolize the growth, change and freedom that becoming a reader brings. The Monarch is designed to encourage children to read critically and become familiar with children's books, authors and illustrators. The program is open to all K-3 age children in Illinois.

In the fall, students at White Eagle will be given book talks by the LMC Director, Mrs.  Vieira, and may vote for their favorite in late February if they have read or heard at least five of the twenty nominated titles.  

All the Monarch Books from the master list are available for check out in the White Eagle LMC. The winning book is announced in March. More information about The Monarch Award: Illinois' K-3 Children's Choice Award and the current master list can be found at the program's website:

2024 - Book Talks Monarch

Monarch List 2025

2025 Monarch Master Award List.pdf