Year 5

Palm class Beech class Willow class



We will be reading Benjamin Zephaniah's "Windrush Child" to inspire us to create our own recounts in the style of a journal.


Our learning will move through different units this half term, including fractions and decimals, and area and perimeter.


Our learning will centre around Animals, including Humans. We will be observing, classifying and experimenting. We will also learn about the amazing scientist, Jane Goodall! Find out more here. 


We will be learning about how immigration has impacted British culture, and working towards developing our own answers to this Big Question: Is Britain a more equal place to live now than when the Windrush ship arrived?


In computing, we will be designing our own quest game and making it playable.


In RE, we will be  building on our knowledge of Islam by learning about key concepts of Hajj, The FIve Pillars of Islam and Zakat. FInd out more here. 


In PE, we will be using fundamental skills of tennis to learn how to hit a ball accurately and begin to use forehand and and backhand strokes. We will be working towards playing a mini-game with our classmates.

Design and Technology

In D&T, we will be designing and creating out own bags, using a range of techniques to join material together.


We will be learning about how much teaches us about our community..


In French, we will be learning about some famous French landmarks learning langauge that would help us to describe a town .


In RSHE, we will be building on our learning of how to stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

Key dates

10th March- Inset Day

Mon 13th-Fri 17th March Year 5 Residential

21st and 22nd March- Parents' Evenings

30th March- Iftar

31st March- Easter holidays

Every Wednesday/ Friday - PE