
Conkers AM Conkers PM

During the Spring 2, the learning in Nursery will be based around the global theme of 'Sustainable development'. The focus of the term is learning about Worms. Over the course of the term, the children will be reading the book ‘Superworm’. Through this text, we will learn about the characters in the story, worms and what they do for our environment.  To encourage the children’s interest they have already been given the opportunity to meet our new worms and help get their new wormery ready for them. 


In Maths this half term, Nursery children will be introduced to positional language through stories and drawing maps. The learning of one more and one less will be revisited  As numbers have been the focus in Maths, this term children will get to use numbers to solve real life problems with a focus on using fruits and vegetables.

Songs and Rhymes

Nursery rhymes and songs provide bite-sized learning opportunities for young children to develop key developmental skills and can often be the trigger for hours of creative and open-ended play. They are a powerful learning source in early literacy and enable children to become interested in the rhythm and patterns of language. Here are some of the songs and rhmes we will be learning in Nursery.

Nobody likes me

Worms songs, poems and rhymes

Theres a worm in the bottom of my garden

Role Play

Our role play area is “Forest school’ which will enable the children to practice using the knowledge they have already gained about butterflies and frogs.  They will also learn about the importance of minibeasts in our gardens and outdoor areas.  In addition, this will enable them to practice communication skills and the new vocabulary they have learnt to retell the story of superworm.

Expressive arts and design

In Expressive Arts, the children will be creating their own pictures of worms through observational drawings. Children will be exploring the use of different materials and media such as clay modeling and paper mâché. We will also be learning songs about mini beasts and using instruments  to play along to them.

Nursery Library

Each child should have now borrowed a book from our Nursery Library. Books will be changed on Thursdays and you will need to return your book to take another. Please encourage the children to look after the books. Research has proven the benefits of reading to children and we hope that sharing a book with their family will be the beginning of a lifelong love of reading. 

Trips and Visits

This half term we will be visiting Woodlands Farm. As usual we would love as many parents as possible to come with us, so dig out your wellies and waterproofs. Dates and more information is available on Arbor.

Key Dates

10th March- Inset Day

22nd and 23rd March- Parents' Evenings

29th March- Iftar

31st March- Easter holidays