Year 1

Pine class                 Hazel class


We will be using the delightful story, "Grandad's Secret Giant", to inspire us to write our own newspapers based on key events fromt he story.


The children will be exploring volume, mass, length and height after they have learnt place value of numbers up to 50.


Our learning will centre around Plants. We will be observing and describing plants. We will also learn about the lifecycle of plants and how they change through the seasons.


We will be learning about the past by comparing toys from the past to toys now.


In Computing, we will be giving and following instructions to move an object as part of their coding unit.


We will be learning about the importance of Easter for Christians and  the meaning of key symbols for Easter


We will be playing a range of target and net and wall games to further develop or gross motor skills. 

Design & Technology

We will be creating a moving storyboard using sliders and a range of tools.


In Music, we are exploring social themes through different musical elements and skills.


We will be learning how we can care for others and the environment. This will help us to make a promise as citizens.

Key dates

10th March- Inset Day

14th March - Hazel Tree Library Trip