Year 3

      Chestnut class                   Aspen class             Elm Class   


In English, we will be using the inspiring story of four female scientists in the book 'Hidden Figures'.  The children will write a newspaper article using formal language. 


In Maths, the children will be recapping then building on their knowledge of fractions, then moving onto mass and capacity. They will continue to rehearse their times table knowledge  through a range of daily practise, games and activities.  


This half term the children will be learning about the life cycle of plant and the variety of ways that plants disperse their seeds. 


In history, children will be learning about the significance of the Victorian period and about the many different aspects of modern life in Britain were started during the Victorian era. 


The children will be exploring the purpose of simulations. They will consider the use of them, what happens when certain choices are made and the effects of the choices on the outcome.


This half term in R.E, the children will be exploring the symbolism, practices and core values of Judaism. 


The children will be learning to navigate and map and follow coordinates in P.E. They will also continue to work on their team skills, working as a group and pair to get to a shared goal.

Design & Technology

The children will be developing their textile skills through sewing and stitching to make their own special cushion based on their star sign. They will consider the purpose of a cushion, design and create their own.


The children will be using Charanga to consider how music can allow us to get to know our community. 


In French, the children will continue to work on their number knowledge. Then they will learn to talk about their pets. 


The children will build on their human rights learning and consider the importance of showing respect to different cultures and backgrounds as well as looking at the purpose of laws in society. 

Key dates

10th March- Inset Day

22nd and 23rd March- Parents' Evenings

22nd March - Aspen & Chestnut - Library

29th March- Elm library

29th March- Iftar

31st March- Easter holidays