
Communication and Language

We will be retelling the story 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears' using story maps. We will be exploring alternative tales through the core text 'Goldilocks and Just the One Bear'. The core text will inspire our imagination, as we retell our own alternative tales.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Through the global theme of 'Peace and Conflict' we will reflecting on Goldilocks' actions and use this to think about the choices we make. We will be learning that it is okay to make mistakes. We will also be learning about the consequences our actions have on ourselves and others. And that sometimes to rectify a mistake you must compromise. 

Physical Development

We will continue Nature School sessions this half term. This will be an opportunity to explore the world around us. We will develop both our fine motor and gross motor skills within the outdoor environment. We will have the space and freedom to move around and develop physical skills, body control, strength and co-ordination.


We will be exploring traditional tales and alternative endings through the core text 'Goldilocks and Just the One Bear'. This book is a sequel to 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and will inspire our imagination when we plan and write our own alternative tales.


We will be exploring double facts, halving, sharing evenly, odds and evens and counting in 2s. At the end of the half term we will explore 2D and 3D shape.

Expressive arts and design

We will be creating 3D cityscapes using junk modelling materials. We will plan our designs and carefully consider what materials to use. We will practice skills such as sticking, cutting and joining.

Understanding the world

We will continue to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and our curriculum learning from last term outside of the classroom through our weekly nature school sessions. We will also be observing the changes to our environment and the impact the planting and growing of our bee gardens from last term have had.

Key Dates 

01.05.23- Bank Holiday Monday

03.05.23 -Phonics and Early Reading Parent open morning 9am

05.05.23- Coronation event08.05.23- Bank holiday Monday09.05.23- Vision Screening Reception children
26.05.23- Half term