
Once Upon a time 

Our Summer term topic in Nursery is ‘Once Upon a time….’. We will be using the text ‘You Choose’ by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart. Through this text the children will make links to our global curriculum and develop an understanding of empathy and respect all people and how to promote change for the better.

Communication and Language

We will be using You Choose story, to help us identify different seasons and describe them. We will also explore different environments (hot/cold) and talk about the animals which live there.

We will be using our five finger tricky knowledge to help us remember and recall key information.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The children will further develop their language and social skills such as sharing, cooperating with others to produce their best stories. Nursery children will draw their characters and make props to support their role play. 

Physical Development

We will continue our theme of patterns by creating patterns with movements. The children will continue, copy and create repeating patterns using their bodies.


In Literacy the children will be given opportunities to talk about different animals and ask questions to find out more. The children will be creating an imaginary Nursery pet. What will it look like? What will it eat? Where will it sleep?


The children will be revisiting their learning on repeat patterns. Children will observe patterns in the environment, animals and their own clothes. Nursery children will also revisit 2D shapes before learning about 3D shapes. As they learn about the 3D shapes, the children will be able to identify these shapes in real life within their environment. To support their learning, Nursery children will be given opportunities to build with 3D shapes to create their own structures and models. We can’t wait to see the results. 

Expressive arts and design

Here are some of the songs and rhymes we will be learning in Nursery this term:

Our favourite animal songs

Fun farm songs and rhymes

Safari animal sound song

Walking in the jungle

The animal boogie - Barefoot books - sing along

Understanding the world

We will continue to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and our curriculum learning from last term, The children will explore and identify different features of animals and their habitats. They will think about why some animals live in hot countries and some in cold countries.

Key Dates 

01.05.23- Bank Holiday Monday05.05.23- Coronation event08.05.23- Bank holiday Monday
26.05.23- Half term