Friday 17th November 2023

Maundene Weekly


"To find your talent, you need to seek it."

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you have had a fantastic week.

Year 1 had an exciting start to their week on Monday where they participated in a virtual workshop delivered by 'Mary Seacole'. The children absolutely loved developing their knowledge further about Mary Seacole and exploring facts about her life which built on their history learning. Throughout their outdoor provision, Year R enjoyed making leaf rubbing pictures on a chilly Autumnal day outside. In their art lesson, Year 5 started to work towards their final outcome where they created a background using watercolours in the style of Stephanie Peters.

On Tuesday, Year 2 enjoyed playing Times Table Rockstars in the morning as part of the England Rocks Competition for maths! The children in Year R were following instructions really carefully in order to make a fruit salad. They thought about hand hygiene and knife safety when cutting and preparing the fruit. Well done Year R! In the afternoon, Year 1 experimented with the Beebots during their computing lesson. The children predicted what would happen when they pressed each button and then gave the Beebots commands to follow.

Wednesday morning started with Celebration Assembly. Our favourite assembly of the week on Wednesday celebrated more achievements - Stars of the Week, Timestable Rockstars and Spellers of the Week. Well done everyone, you should feel very proud of yourself for your hard work. In the afternoon, Year 3 were extremely excited about their Trashion Show. The children participated in a fashion show that consisted of reading out facts about plastic pollution which were associated with their core text and joining in a 'catwalk' where they showcased their amazing trashion-designed outfits. In the afternoon, Ospreys loved spending time in the library, getting all cosy with a good book and Eagles were spending time revising their Times Tables in preparation for the England Rocks Times Table Competition.

Year 4 worked extremely hard to develop their reading fluency on Thursday morning. The children were focusing on 'text marking' their reading text with specific codes to identify where they should show expression when reading aloud. The children found this really supported them to build up fluency. During their maths lesson, Year 1 explored 3D shapes. The children remembered the names of 2D and 3D shapes and explored whether the shapes could roll or stack. 

Friday was Children in Need where the children wore spots or a Children in Need themed outfit! The children discussed Children in Need in class and then participated in a variety of activities associated with the celebration. On Friday morning, Year 4 had a 'Learning with your Child' workshop which focused on Times Tables. As you are aware, the children in Year 4 will be completing their Multiplication Test at the end of the academic year. Having a good knowledge of Times Tables are essential as they make a large contribution to maths learning and result in the children having good arithmetical understanding for future problem-solving. In the afternoon on Friday, Year 5 had a Reading with your Child session where parents attended to read a variety of books with their children. It was so lovely to see so many of you attending this event and reading with your children. Reading should be done at home at least three times a week and recorded in reading records.

We hope you enjoy the weekend, 

Miss Capes, Mrs Jackson and the Maundene Team


Ninja Knights

Well done to Jaxon in Finches for achieving his White 2 Ninja Mission! What an amazing achievement - we are proud of you!

Gymnastics Star!

Congratulations to Pearl in Owls for improving her beam and handstand skills in gymnastics! You have worked so hard and should be proud of yourself!

Star of the Week

A huge WELL DONE to all children who achieved Star of the Week. Maundene are proud of you! 


Doves - Killian N 

Kingfishers - Quhey Q  

Year 1

Finches - Jaxon S 

Kestrels - Mason D

Year 2 

Blackbirds - Violet H  

Robins - Khyla C

Year 3

Falcons - Nikita G 

Woodpeckers - Isla-Rose M

Year 4

Ravens - Isabelle I 

Owls - Lucy F 

Year 5

Swans - Jude G 

Jays - Wunmi A 

Year 6

Ospreys - Lillie S 

Eagles - Grace M 

Key Messages

Dodgeball Roadshows - Tuesday 21st November 

On 21st November, the children in Year 3-6 will participate in a Dodgeball Roadshow session with Jamie White (Area Lead from ID PE & Sport Ltd), who is currently leading our Dodgeball Club on a Tuesday after school. On the day, Jamie will be running a 30-minute session in the KS2 Hall for every class from Year 3-6. 


Please can you send your children into school wearing PE Kit for this day so that all children can participate in this exciting activity. 

Book Fair 

The Book Fair is back! 

Come and join us from Monday 27th November - Thursday 30th November to purchase a variety of books for your children. The Book Fair will be available after school and will take place on Parents Evenings too. 

Reading Competition Time!

Write a book review for the chance to win a £5.00 book token for the book fair.  This can be in any format but needs to be informative! Try and think of some of the interesting books you have read or have listened to.  

All entries must be in by Monday 20th November and winners will be announced on Wednesday 22nd November. 

The National Sleep Helpline

In partnership with Furniture Village, The Sleep Charity has launched a brand new National Sleep Helpline to ensure that everyone has access to high quality, evidence-based advice. 

Call them on: 03303 530 541

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 7pm-9pm

Monday and Wednesday 9am-11am

PTA Events 

Key dates

Tuesday 21st November

Year 3 to Year 6 - Dodgeball Roadshows 

Wednesday 22nd November

Year 2 - Trip to Sea Life London 

Friday 24th November 


Wednesday 29th November 

Year 1 to Year 3 - Medway Spaceman visit  

Thursday 30th November 

Year 4 - Trip to Kent Life 

Friday 1st December 

Owls - Class Assembly 9am

Year 5, Year 6 and the Choir - Visit to Dove Close Nursing Home in the afternoon

PTA Non-Uniform Day - Christmas clothes in exchange for a donation of chocolate for the Christmas chocolate raffle 

PTA Christmas Fair - 3.30-5pm

Monday 4th December 

Year 6 - Drumming Workshop 

Thursday 7th December 

Year 6 - Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm for both classes 

Tuesday 12th December

Year R to Year 6 - Christmas jumper & Christmas lunch day 

Wednesday 13th December 

KS2 - Christmas Carol Service in the Church - Timings to be confirmed 

Thursday 14th December 

Year 2 - Christmas Play to Parents - Timings to be confirmed 

Monday 18th December and Tuesday 19th December 

PTA Christmas Class Parties 

Wednesday 20th December 

Last Day of Autumn 2 Term


Our whole school attendance this week is


Doves - 89%

Kingfishers - 92%

Finches - 92%

Kestrels - 89%  

Blackbirds - 98% 

Robins - 99%

Falcons - 91%

Woodpeckers - 95%   

Owls - 97%

Ravens - 97%

Swans - 95% 

Jays - 92% 

Ospreys - 94% 

Eagles - 95%


Robins -Ethan O 

Owls - Poppy L 

Ravens - Gracie O  

Swans - Oliver G 

Jays - Millie B 

Eagles - Jayden B, Poppy B, Tilly L   

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