Ecological awareness

1. You have to make a list of ten products that you or your family buy in the supermarket. They have to be products that you use with certain frequency. Take photos of the products and then label them in English. You have to explain the use that the products have, the frequency that you use this products and what you do with the packaging once you don't us it anymore.

2. Rethink

There are some packagings that are totally useless. Here there is an example:

  • Explain, using your words, what the video is about.

  • Are there parts of the products that you described in the first activity that are totally useless from the very begining? Which ones?

2. Find ideas to reuse the packagings (bottles, boxes, plastic parts...) of the products that you talked about in the first activity. You can go online to inspire yourself. Here there is an example:

Now you have to explain in four steps how you would reuse a product or a container of a product that you use in your everyday life.

3. Team work

Compare the different descriptions on how to reuse a product an decide which one is the best. With this idea you have to make a poster all together explaining in English and drawing the different steps that you have to follow.

4. The problems we are generating with our pollution are local and global. We have to be aware that the planet is very big and the problems are afecting all of us.

We will watch two videos to understand how this problem has big consequences in different parts of the world.

The big amount of plastics thrown in the sea is creating a big plastic island in the pacific ocean:

In some parts of the world there are big mountains of garbage:

How do these videos make you feel? Find five adjectives to describe what you see in the videos and five more to decribe how the videos make you feel. Once you have the adjectives, imagine that you visit one of these two places and use them to describe everything that you see and feel. You can use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

5. Team work. You have to find a slogan for a campain against pollution. There are two differnet options for the slogan: To make people aware about the problem they are creating with their behaviour and convince them to change it or to make people aware of the big global problem that we have.

The following video will help you to write the slogan.