What do we know about Europe?

TASK 18 (group): KAHOOT QUIZ

Now you must create a Kahoot (a Quiz). What do you have to do exactly?

  1. Select and make questions from the content you have worked on in this project. Think: what is more important, more interesting or more surprising? Remember that in the Kahoot questions you can include pictures and vídeos.
  2. Learn more about the Kahoot: https://kahoot.com/help/#How-to-make-a-kahoot. Fisrst become familiar with the programme: do a test quiz with any question, send it to each other and answer it.
  3. Make your Kahoot Quiz (with the name Europe Quiz Group X). Of course, in English! Remember: 5 questions.

Share them with:

Liz Raga

Ana Rueda

Ana Piña

Pere Serrano

4. Read the instructions to learn how to play Kahoot in group with a PIN. When it's the turn of your group, you will have to project your Kahoot for the rest of your classmates!


The teachers will select the best questions from the questions you have all made. With these questions, we will prepare the PROJECT FINAL TEST:

The final Kahoot Competition!!!