Politics and Values


You have often read that the EU is a union of democratic societies.

Let's explore this idea.

Have you ever thought that the high school is a complex social group? It includes people of different ages, with very different roles: students, teachers and families.

We all work together in the same place for a long time with the same, common objectives.

But.... is the high school a democratic group? What does "democratic" mean?

Often, when we talk about democracy we include different concepts which are more or less related to each other, as you can see in this wordcloud:

Sub-Task 1

You must prepare a Pechakucha format Drive presentation to answer this question

You must explain your ideas based on the concepts in the wordcloud or other concepts you want to introduce. It is very important to think the reasons and arguments, and decide to defend the "yes" or the "no" position.

The presentation must have a Pechakucha format (maximum 6 minutes 40 seconds and 20 simple slides). You can find the idea at....


But if you search for Pechakucha online, you will find many tutorials. The content of the slide presentation must be in English.

Link your presentation in your portfolio.

Sub-Task 2

Once you have finished your Drive presentation, you must present it:

  • the explanations can be in Catalan
  • only one person of the group will present it to one teacher, without public
  • decide, by voting, who can be the best "presenter" of your Pechakucha. Think of someone: concise, with good speaking and communication skills.
  • Now you must arrange a presentation session with one of these teachers. This presentation can be in a Project C session or any other convenient time:

Ana Rueda

Liz Raga

Ana Piña

Pere Serrano

  • You only have time till FRIDAY 6th October. Hurry up!!


TASK 12a (individual) : LEVELS OF POWER

Do you realize that that the structure of public administrations is like the Russian dolls?

The EU is above member Countries, and the Countries are above regional administrations... So the functions public authorities are stratified.

Have a look at this table to see the situation in Rubí:

Nivells de poder

Here you have similar table.... but blank. You must fill it in with the details of another town we know: Valkenswaard.

You can surf the internet, ask other people... When you finish, link it in your portfolio.



In a democratic country, the political spectrum is the set of political ideologies represented in the Parliament. These ideologies are defended by the political parties which have obtained seats (=escons) at the elections.

The last general election in Spain was on the 26th of June 2016. Here you will find the information of the results: ELECCIONS GENERALS

These parties represent different political ideologies... but which ones? How can they be classified?

a) Read the definition of a right-wing and a left-wing party (section MODEL DE L'EIX DRETA ESQUERRA) right-wing (=de dretes) / left-wing (=d'esquerres)

Now, you must make a drive Google drawing. Here you must:

  • Draw a right-left horizontal axis
  • Place all the parties that obtained parliamentary representation in the 2016 elections, according to their ideology: more or less right or left-wing.

To see if a party matches the definition of right-wing or left-wing, you must check their ideology. To check the ideology of a party, visit their website and read their ideas, for example: http://www.pp.es/

Name of the drawing: NAME_SURNAME_SIMPLE AXIS

Upload the drawing in your eportfolio.

b) Now you will do a more complex classification.

  • The name of the new drawing will be: NAME_SURNAME_COMPLEX AXIS.
  • Classify the parties on two axis (a cross), a horizontal and a vertical axis.
  • Check the NOLAN CHART - MODEL BIDIMENSIONAL DE NOLAN. This model marks the difference between:

economical right-left / moral right-left --> it's not the same!!

  • Draw the two axis and put the political parties again.
  • Upload the chart in your eportfolio.

c) Write your conclusions in a document called NAME_SURNAME_SPECTRUM, and upload it in your eportfolio.

Explain who won the 2016 elections: right-wing or left-wing parties and in which proportion. Base your conclusions on the results of the elections and your classifications.


TASK 13 (individual): BORDERS OR BRIDGES?

Here are two EU projects which have received the award "Building Europe Across Borders" of the European Committee of the Regions. The objective is to recognise the best practices of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) related to the creation of growth and jobs in Europe (Europe 2020 Strategy).

The projects are:

Read the information in the 2 links and analyse it in group. Answer these questions:

  1. How many people do these projects serve?
  2. Which area they cover?
  3. On google maps, circle the territory (regions) they cover.
  4. Which countries participate in these projects?
  5. Have the languages been a problem to carry out the projects?
  6. Have borders been a problem to create and implement the projects?
  7. Why do you think these projects have received the award "Building Europe across borders"?
  8. Have a look at the different territorial distributions (regions, landers, départéments, any other):
      • Which differences can you see (area, population, languages, sovereignty)?
  9. Define region and euroregion.

Check if these projects match the definition of euroregion proposed by the EU:

"A Euroregion is a cross-border territorial entity that brings together partners from two or more cross-border regions in different European countries. Their purpose is to create a coherent space that is developed collectively to ensure that the border is no longer an obstacle but becomes a resource and an opportunity for development. To do this, it creates a framework for cooperation that makes it possible to bring together the different players and to put in place common policies and projects in areas such as regional development, transport, the local economy, cultural activities, the environment and so on, always in accordance with the specific features of each border area."

Source: http://www.espaces-transfrontaliers.org/en/resources/territories/euroregions/

Now, watch this video to clarify any doubts:

Llista d'euroregions (falta localitzar)

Site with information on the different EU cross-border projects: European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation